20 May 2017

What's New in My Genealogy Library

Spring cleaning isn't something that I normally look forward to, but the time had come to go through my office and organize books. I had books stored on the floor and wanted them on shelves.  Most of the books on the floor were recent purchases and I wanted to use them before I put them away.  I decided it was time to put them away.  I rearranged my books a little and did some spring cleaning of my office.  I don't know about you, but once I decide to clean that leads to cleaning the whole room, minus the closet.  That is a project for another day.

This is one of the bookcases I have.  It doesn't hold a lot, but it fits in a very narrow space that I have next to my desk.  I organized the shelves by category (top to bottom): General Research Help; England, Scotland,and Ireland; Germany; Europe (Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, and Poland); United States (Illinois, New York, Michigan); and Military.

I have another bookcase for all my New England books, including all my Great Migration books.  I have a few leftovers that I need to find room for and I will be done.

The new books are books that I purchased because there was a sale online, or in the case of Bernese Anabaptists, I was at the Clayton Library for Genealogical Research, in Houston, Texas and they had a sale section.

While going through all these books I realized that I had a few books that I hadn't put on My Library page at the top of this website.  Those books are:

  • Genealogical Guide to Discovering Your Irish Ancestors by Radford and Betitt
  • Amish and Amish Mennonite Genealogies by Hugh Gingerich
  • Bernese Anabaptists by Delbert Gratz
  • Family Maps of Washtenaw County by Gregory A. Boyd
  • Tracing Your Colonial American Ancestors
  • Tracing Your Revolutionary War Ancestors
  • Tracing Your War of 1812 Ancestors

Please check out the "My Library" page tab and if you see something you would like to know more about email me, or leave a comment.  I am happy to do look ups, if interested.  

One spring cleaned room down and a few more to go.  What about you, do you Spring clean? 

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