Birth: Samuel Stillman Glover, Jr. was born 13 May 1836 in Ypsilanti, Washtenaw, Michigan. He was the sixth, of twelve, child born to Samuel Stillman Glover and Vinera Eglantine Powers.
1850 Census: Samuel's mother died in February of 1847. He was 10 years old. Stillman Glover can be found living in Ypsilanti, Washtenaw, Michigan in the 1850 U.S. Federal Census. He is living with John, Eliza, Orson, and Alice Cody.
Marriage: According to the Dibean’s Michigan Marriage Index for Lenawee County, Michigan, Samuel S. Glover married Ada L. Dyer on 2 August 1857. Ada L. Dyer was the daughter of William G. Dyer and Mary Ann Swallow.
Children: Samuel and Ada Glover had ten children:
Charles W. 1859-
William E. 1861-
Frank H. August 1863-7 October 1925
Mary J 1864-
Louis B 1866
Laura J 1869
Sarah 1871
Emma D 24 July 1873-3 September 1874
Emerson 24 July 1873-28 October 1873
Walter S. 27 Feb 1875-5 February 1920
Military Service: On 7 December 1861 Samuel Glover, Jr. enlisted in the Civil War, Union side. He enlisted at Marshall, Calhoun, Michigan at the age of 26. He was living in Lenawee County, Michigan at the time.
While serving Samuel S. Glover Jr. was with the 1st Regiment, Engineers and Mechanics, Michigan, Company H. His rank during his service was Private First Class. He received a disability discharge on 8 Dec 1862 in Nashville, Tennessee. My great grandfather, Frank H. Glover was born nine months later in August of 1863! Samuel's obituary states:
"early in ’62 he was wounded in the right knee while on his way from
Shelbyville to Huntsville with secret dispatches. He was several miles
from his destination when wounded (was shot through the knee) but pluckily
clung to his horse until he reached the picket lines at Huntsville, when he
was taken from his horse nearly unconscious and had just strength enough to
say dispatches were in his shoes, that was the last he knew for weeks. His family at home did not hear from him and had about given him up for dead when months after he suddenly arrived in Adrian (where his family resided at that time) discharged as incapacitated from further service."
According to his obituary, Samuel received a pension of $10 per month.
1870 Census: Samuel S., Adaline, Charles W. William E, Franki H., Mary J, Louis B, and Laura J can be found living in Manistee, Manistee, Michigan in 1870. This census page is interesting because Samuel S. Glover is Ass't Marshall.
Other Census Information: Samuel Stillman Glover, Jr can also be found in the following census:
1860 Macon, Lenawee, Michigan
1880 Muskegon, Muskegon, Michigan
1900 Pleasanton Township, Manistee, Michigan
Occupations: Samuel S. Glover, Jr was listed in the census as a merchant, life insurance agent, clerk in clothing house, and farmer. In 1876, he was the Justice of the Peace in Manistee, Manistee, Michigan. Sometime during the 1890’s he moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin and worked for the “Milwaukee Sentinel”. He returned to Manistee County in 1898 and farmed land in Pleasanton Township, Manistee, Michigan.
Death: Samuel died 12 April 1904 in Pleasanton Township, Manistee, Michigan from uremic poisoning, chronic prostatis and nephritis.
Obituary: Samuel S. Glover's obituary can be found in the Manistee Daily News 14 April 1904, and Manistee Daily Advocate on 16 April 1904 (on the front page).
Below: Manistee Daily News 14 April 1904
Above: Manistee Daily Advocate 16 April 1904
Burial: Samuel was buried 16 April 1904 in Gilmore Township Cemetery, Elberta, Benzie, Michigan.