Finally, if you have a Michigan ancestor who died between the years 1921-1952, you can search online for the death record index at Family Search. This long awaited collection is index only, no images, at this time, but anything is a welcome addition to Michigan records.
I used my Roots Magic genealogy software program to print a custom list for my 1921-1952 deaths in my family tree. I am now ready to put aside my work for the day and search for dead people. My first search was met with this error message, "We are unable to display search results due to technical difficulties. Please try searching again in a few minutes." I have a feeling I am not the only one who discovered that these records are online. I will keep trying, even if I have to stay up late to do so.
My blog features articles on a wide range of historical topics and includes personal stories, historical documents, and photographs. My blog includes resources for family history enthusiasts, such as examples of historical resources and articles about researching family history. I aim to provide a unique and personal perspective on my ancestor’s past, and to help my readers understand the experiences and struggles of the ancestors who came before us.
30 April 2013
25 April 2013
Does Family Search Records Have the Same Information that Pilot Family Search Had?
My 2nd great grandfather, Caspar Graf, was born in Rockenhausen, Pfalz, Bavaria in 1827. I found his baptismal information on the Pilot Family website under German Baptisms. I was pleased with the degree of information that was transcribed. I had the birth and christening date and place, father's name, mother's name, paternal grandfather's name, and maternal grandfather's name. I felt like I had hit the genealogy jackpot with this information. One record provided three generations of names.
Pilot Family Search became Family Would I find the same information on Family as I did the Pilot Family Search? I figured I would when I went looking. I was disappointed to see less information was provided with the Family record. One might think I was looking at two different records, but the Batch Number and Film Number were identical. The record name changed from German Baptisms to Germany, Birth and Baptisms, 1558-1898.
What's the big deal you ask? Well, the current family search record does not give the names of the paternal and maternal grandfathers. I wonder why it is different. I am thankful I copied the information from the pilot family search record.
No image was provided so I need to order the film from the Family History Library to verify the information. It still would be nice if Family Search had the Pilot Family Search information.
Here are the two records:
Pilot Family Search Information
Name: Caspar Graf
Gender: Male
Christening date: 19 Oct 1827
Residence: Rockenhausen, Pfalz, Bayern
Birth date: 14 Oct 1827
Birth place: Katzenbach
Death date:
Name note:
Race or color (expanded):
Father name: Philipp Graf
Father birth place:
Age of father:
Mother name: Sophia Kolter
Mother birth place:
Mother age:
Paternal grandfather name: Caspar Graf
Paternal grandmother name:
Maternal grandfather name: Henrich Kolter
Maternal grandmother name:
Batch number: C96103-2
Date range: 1749 - 1839
Film number: 193129
Collection: Germany Baptisms
Source: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [LDS], "New FamilySearch," database, German Baptisms
(;c=1473000 ).
Family Search Record:
Caspar Graf, "Germany, Births and Baptisms,
Caspar Graf
Christening Date:
19 Oct 1827
Christening Place:
Birth Date:
14 Oct 1827
Death Date:
Name Note:
Father's Name:
Father's Birthplace:
Father's Age:
Mother's Name:
Mother's Birthplace:
Mother's Age:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number:
System Origin:
GS Film number:
Reference ID:
Source: "Deutschland, Geburten und Taufen 1558-1898," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 08 Apr 2013), Caspar Graf, 14 Oct 1827.
23 April 2013
Too Bad This Wasn't Mine-I am a Glover After All!
The Glover House
The Glover House can be found at 118 S. Washington St., Ypsilanti, Michigan. The 3900 square foot home is listed on the Michigan State Register of Historic Sites. Charles W. Glover, son of Henry Pierce Strong Glover and Nancy Jane Kishler, is credited with building the home in 1893.
Henry Pierce Strong Glover is my first cousin, four times removed and I am researching him because his mother, Mary Ann Powers Glover and my third great grandmother, Vinera Powers Glover, were sisters. Their husbands, Charles W. Glover and Samuel Stillman Glover were brothers. I am trying to determine the maiden name of Mary Ann and Vinera's mother, Lucy.
My research led me to Ypsilanti, Michigan and the Glover House. Henry Pierce Strong Glover was a well-known personality in Ypsilanti. He was mayor of Ypsilanti in 1892-93. Henry died at the Glover House on 21 February 1912.
Today, the home is a private residence that is being restored. Since I can't claim it as my own, I would love to see the inside of this home and walk in the steps of my ancestors.
The Glover House as seen from google maps.
22 April 2013
Why FGS 2013 You Ask? Let Me Tell You.
I am a Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) Ambassador. My role as an ambassador is to help promote the FGS 2013 conference through blogging and other social media platforms. The publicity committee provided a few writing prompt questions to answer which you will find below.
Why are you coming to FGS 2013?
My first FGS conference attendance was in 2011 in Springfield, Illinois. It was at that conference that I learned that the 2013 conference would be held in Fort Wayne, Indiana, about 100 miles from my home in Battle Creek, Michigan. It is just a quick jaunt down Interstate 69. A national genealogy conference within a hour and a half from me, why wouldn't I go? The opportunity to become totally immersed in all things genealogy is the number one reason for going. The informative sessions provide me with enough information to further my current research. Plus, spending days with other people who share my passion for genealogy is so much fun.
What are your favorite parts about genealogy conferences?
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens-oh, wait those are favorite things, not favorite parts. You may see raindrops on roses if you attend the opening social at the botanical conservatory. The social events are a great part of the time spent at a conference. It is a time to meet new people who share your love of genealogy.
Another favorite part of conference going is the exhibit hall. It is the place to learn about the latest and greatest products in genealogy. Have a question about your genealogy software or curious about a new product? The exhibit hall is the place to get answers. All things genealogy can be found here. I even scheduled a visit to the exhibit hall in place of a session it was so wonderful. What better way to spend an hour or two than by combining shopping AND genealogy!
The variety of genealogical education opportunities is my favorite part. Believe me, you will have trouble narrowing your selection down as the choices are all great. Don't worry though, you will be given the syllabus for all sessions and you can order copies of the sessions to watch when you get home. Truly, there is something for everyone. You will find research topics on African American, British Isles, European, Genetics, German, How To and Methodologies, Midwest Research and Repositories, Migration and Immigration, Military, Online Resources, Technology, Transportation, Writing and more. In depth education is offered through workshops on topics like German Gothic Handwriting, BCG Certification, Images, Griffiths Valuation, Midwestern American Indians, and African American Research in University Libraries.
What are you most looking forward to at FGS 2013?
There are so many things to look forward to when going to a national genealogy conference it is hard to pick just one. I could pick the opportunity to research, in addition, to going to the conference, but I go to Allen County Public Library about three times a year. I could pick the learning opportunities presented by great speakers. I could pick the genealogy shopping experience at the exhibit hall or the swag. The freebies are always fun. But, for me, the people are what makes going to the conference something to look forward to. The thing I am most looking forward to is meeting and learning from other genealogists. I was sitting in a session on Mennonite research in Springfield and a woman behind me was from the area in Pennsylvania that my ancestors lived. She gave me research ideas that enabled me to find more records.
Why should genealogists attend conferences?
Whether you are a recreational or hobby-type genealogist, like me, or a professional genealogist with years of experience, there is something for everyone at a conference. Attending a conference is the best way to educate yourself about genealogy trends and topics. You will see the latest gadgets, books, software, and more at the conference. You will be in genealogy information overload by the time the conference is over. You will go home and be excited to pick up where you left off in your research. If you are lucky, you will break through that brickwall by learning that one piece of information you needed to do so. Plus, you might meet the author of your favorite blog or book, that friend on Facebook or Twitter, or someone who's work you have admired. You will make new friends and have the time of your genealogical life.
Now that I have shown you how great it is to attend a FGS Conference, plan to attend one.
20 April 2013
Hot Diggity Blog!!

I was scrolling down the list of best bloggers and impressed with how many of the blogs I follow. I started reading the Good Advice Awardees: The Armchair Genealogist, Dear Myrtle, Gena-Musings, Genealogy Tip of the Day, Hidden Genealogy, Midwestern Microhistory and Olive Tree Genealogy. Yep, I regularly read all of those. Next, was Mississippi Memories-ooh I found a new blog to follow!
I continued reading through the other categories: Tech Support, Gravestone Matters, Heritage Help, and Shop Talk. I was thinking, "Wow! These are some great blogs!" I follow almost all of them and made note of new ones to follow.
The last category was Story Time. I am scrolling down the list and ... wait, Journey to the Past! That is my blog, I think. I read the snippet and there in black and white is my name. OMG! My blog was included. I am in shock.
After I calmed down from the shock, I felt fortunate to be included with such a great group of bloggers. Sometimes, as I sit and write my blog in little ole Battle Creek, Michigan, I wonder if anyone is reading what I write. I guess they are.
Thank you Family Tree Magazine for including "Journey to the Past" in your 2013 selection. I am truly honored. I can relate to the words of David A. Fryxell, when he writes about "stick-to-itiveness". I, too, struggle with finding the balance between writing and researching.
For me, it is important to write about my research. I have gotten more than I ever thought imaginable from blogging. I have met wonderful bloggers. It is always fun to be contacted by readers who would like to know more about something I have written and being able to help them. I didn't think anything could replace the feeling of receiving my great grandmother's Bible or my great grandparent's wedding pictures, but when I met a Glover cousin and a Fredrick cousin, I was overwhelmed. All of this because of sharing my research through blogging.
Family Tree Magazine Cover, May/June 2013 Issue. Published by F+W Media, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio.
I was recovering at home when I received my copy of this month's Family Tree Magazine. I flipped to page 27 and read the article, "Hot Blog" and smiled again when I saw my blog listed. I was selected in the Story Time category, "Making one's family tree interesting to those not hanging from its' branches is a feat for a genealogy writer. The family tales of these bloggers engage us with words and images, and offer useful bits of research wisdom" say David A. Fryxell in his article, "Hot Blog". Below, is what was written about Journey to the Past.
Family Tree Magazine, May/June 2013 p. 32
Congratulations to all the bloggers who contribute their individual talents to the genealogy blogging world. You make researching easier and fun with all your tips and topics. I am honored to be included in this year's group.
(My surgery went well and I am fine. I just had to have a couple of lumps removed from my back. Nurse Kirk is taking good care of me as I recover.)
19 April 2013
Walter Stillman Glover Obituary
Walter Stillman Glover, the youngest son of Samuel Stillman Glover, Jr and Adaline L. Dyer died 5 February 1920 in Jackson, Jackson, Michigan.
Source: "Walter S. Glover," obituary, Jackson Citizen Patriot (Jackson, Michigan), 6 February 1920; online images, Genealogy Bank ( : accessed 3 February 2013), Historical Newspapers.
Source: "Walter S. Glover," obituary, Jackson Citizen Patriot (Jackson, Michigan), 6 February 1920; online images, Genealogy Bank ( : accessed 3 February 2013), Historical Newspapers.
Walter S. Glover
Walter S. Glover passed away on
Thursday at 6 p.m. at his home,
229 Edward avenue, of pneumonia,
aged 48 years. There survives the
wife, formerly Miss Nellie Hunt.
Mr. Glover had been city sales-
man for the W.R. Spencer Co.
for a number of years and had
many friends.
Funeral announcement later.
16 April 2013
Ancestor Biography: Elizabeth Poor Fenn
Elizabeth Poor Fenn "endured herself to her neighbors by her earnest Christian character" as her obituary states. Religion was a large part of her sixty seven years. She was a member of the Congregational Church for over 50 years.
Elizabeth's christian life began on 18 October 1826 in New York, United States, possibly Steuben County. She was the oldest daughter born to Samuel B. Poor and Eleanor Begole. She grew up with ten brothers and sisters: Jane, George B., Hannah, Samuel, William, David M., Evan J., Matilda, Harlan and Ellinor.
Elizabeth's family migrated to the Washtenaw County, Michigan area by 1840. Did they travel by the Erie Canal or by wagon and horses? Either way, travelling with her young siblings had to be a challenge. I don't know for sure, but I bet prayer was needed to make the long trip to a new home. They lived an agricultural life in the early years of Michigan statehood, settling in the Sylvan Township area of Washtenaw county.
The role of religion in her life was evident by 1846, based on the Parting Hymn that I found in her daughter Hattie's Bible. The fact that the handwritten verses were saved all these years makes it important.
Elizabeth's christian life began on 18 October 1826 in New York, United States, possibly Steuben County. She was the oldest daughter born to Samuel B. Poor and Eleanor Begole. She grew up with ten brothers and sisters: Jane, George B., Hannah, Samuel, William, David M., Evan J., Matilda, Harlan and Ellinor.
Elizabeth's family migrated to the Washtenaw County, Michigan area by 1840. Did they travel by the Erie Canal or by wagon and horses? Either way, travelling with her young siblings had to be a challenge. I don't know for sure, but I bet prayer was needed to make the long trip to a new home. They lived an agricultural life in the early years of Michigan statehood, settling in the Sylvan Township area of Washtenaw county.
The role of religion in her life was evident by 1846, based on the Parting Hymn that I found in her daughter Hattie's Bible. The fact that the handwritten verses were saved all these years makes it important.
Elizabeth would need to rely on her faith to get through the year 1848. First, her sister, Jane E. died in April of 1848 and less than four weeks later, her mother, Eleanor Begole Poor died. It is during this time that Elizabeth marries. Elizabeth Ann Poor married her sister's(Jane), husband, Daniel C. Fenn. She became an instant mother to Daniel and Jane's infant daughter, Estelle.
Daniel, Elizabeth, and Estelle spent their early time together in Sylvan Township, Washtenaw, Michigan. It is here that Daniel and Elizabeth started their own family. Zalton M. Fenn was born in 1850. He would be joined by three other siblings who lived to adult: Tully Daniel, born 1859, George 1860 and Hattie in 1864.
Elizabeth would be required to move at least three times in the next thirty years. 1860 finds Elizabeth living in Sharon Township, Washtenaw, Michigan. The 1870 United States Census has Elizabeth living in Jackson, Jackson, Michigan, with Daniel, Zalton, Tully, George, Hattie and Elizabeth's sister, Ellen (Ellinor).
Source: 1870 U.S. Census, , population schedule, Ward 2, p170A, dwelling 110, Elizabeth
Fenn; digital images, (: accessed 27 October 2011); Original
data: 1870. United States. Ninth Census of the United States, 1870. Washington,
D.C. National Archives and Records Administration. M593, RG29, 1,761 rolls.
Elizabeth's husband, Daniel C. Fenn, died in February 1873 and Elizabeth eventually moves to Chelsea, Washtenaw, Michigan. Elizabeth spends her last few years of her life in Hersey, Osceola, Michigan, where her son, George, lived.
Elizabeth's life ends on 20 Sep 1894 in Hersey, Osceola, Michigan. Her obituary shows the christian life that she led.
Source: Glover, Hattie L. "Fenn", Elizabeth Fenn obituary. In The Holy Bible: with Revised New
Testament. Chicago: GW Borland & Co., 1882. Original owned in April 2013 by Brenda Leyndyke, [address for private
use], Battle Creek, Michigan.
15 April 2013
The TaxMan Cometh
Today, April 15th, is known as "Tax Day" in the United States. It is the day that the Internal Revenue Service says federal income taxes are due.
The earliest United States income taxes were collected in 1861. The collected taxes were to help pay for the civil war. United States tax laws have changed many times over the years, starting out as assessments and progressing to personal income taxes. The earlier days required a tax collector and deputy to oversee the tax collection process.
My ancestor, Daniel C. Fenn, was a Deputy for Washtenaw County, Michigan. A legal advertisement was published in The True Democrat, a Ypsilanti, Michigan newspaper, dated 13 January 1865.
The earliest United States income taxes were collected in 1861. The collected taxes were to help pay for the civil war. United States tax laws have changed many times over the years, starting out as assessments and progressing to personal income taxes. The earlier days required a tax collector and deputy to oversee the tax collection process.
My ancestor, Daniel C. Fenn, was a Deputy for Washtenaw County, Michigan. A legal advertisement was published in The True Democrat, a Ypsilanti, Michigan newspaper, dated 13 January 1865.
Third District of Michigan,
Notice is hereby given that the 5 per cent
Special Income Tax levied and assessed under
Joint Resolution of Congress, No. 59, approved
July 4, 1864, has been received by the Col-
lector, that the same is now due and payable,
and that the collector or his Deputy will at-
tend for the colection(sic) of this tax in
At the following places, to wit: For the town-
ships of Lyndon, Sylvan, Sharon, Manchester,
Bridgewater and Freedom; from the 20th of
December 1864, to the 7th of January, 1865.
The 26th and 27th of Dec at the office of Wm
S Carr in Manchester; the remainder of the
time at the office of the Deputy in Chelsea.
D.C. Fenn, Deputy.
My taxes are paid for this past year, are yours?
12 April 2013
Where in the World is Johann August Fredrich?
My great grandfather, Johann August Fredrich, his given name, can be found in the following census records. His last name was recorded as Fredrich, Frederick, and Fredrick in the census.
8 Jan 1845
Posen Province, Prussia
Manistee, Manistee, Michigan, United
Manistee, Manistee, Michigan, United
Dickson Township, Manistee, Michigan,
United States
Dickson Township, Manistee, Michigan,
United States
27 Jan 1924
Dickson Township, Manistee, Michigan,
United States
10 April 2013
Facebook for Genealogy
Fredricks Family Picture
that was shared on Fredricks Genealogy Facebook Page
Facebook is a web application that can be used to connect with friends, co-workers, and family members. I joined facebook thinking it would be a good way to stay in touch with out-of-state family members. As the months went on, I had a number of first cousins on my list of friends. It wasn't long before I thought it would be a good way to make some family tree connections and, possibly, receive help with researching our shared great grandparents. Our great grandparents, Johann August Fredrick and Louise Fredricke Zastrow are one of my brick walls. I decided the best way to allow others to access the information I had and, hopefully, to add to it-was to create a group, Fredricks Genealogy. Here are a few steps to help you create a facebook group of your own.
- First, you need to have a facebook page of your own. To sign up for facebook, go to facebook.
- Once an individual page is created, select "create a group" which is on the left side of your home page.
- Type in your group name and select privacy settings. I chose open for privacy and haven't had any trouble with it.
- Click on 'create group'.
- Choose icon for your group if you want, or you can skip this part. I chose a tree for mine.
- Your group is now created.
- Now you can post questions, information, pictures and invite others to join the group.
I used a picture of my great grandparents as the group picture. I added other family pictures that I had. In the discussion section, I asked, "Where was August Fredrick born?" Each week, I add other information that I have found: family members, obituaries, gravestone pictures, census records, etc.
My Fredricks Genealogy group has given me more than I ever thought imaginable. My cousins have shared family stories and pictures. It is a great place to ask questions and stay in touch with family members.
Do you want another way to reach out to family members? Try facebook.
09 April 2013
Become a FGS 2013 Blog Ambassador

The Federation of Genealogical Societies(FGS) is having their yearly conference in Fort Wayne, Indiana in August. I am going, are you? I signed up to become a blog ambassador to help spread the word about this great genealogical education opportunity. Would you like to be a blog ambassador? Sign up at their website to join other genealogists and promote this great conference.
08 April 2013
10 Tips for Newcomers at FGS 2013
I was a first time attendee at the FGS 2011 genealogy conference in Springfield, Illinois. I remember the excitement of being able to further my genealogical education. I went to the conference expecting just a learning experience, but received so much more than just education at the conference. Here are ten tips for first time attendees.
- Don't be afraid to ask for help. There are wonderful people willing to help and answer questions for you. Conference check-in and sessions are well staffed.
- Strike up a conversation with other attendees. Conference attendees are warm, friendly people. I talked to one person from Pennsylvania. She lived in a county where I had Mennonite ancestors. She gave me new resources to explore.
- Be sure to visit the exhibit hall. I took one session time and used it just for browsing the exhibit hall. It was less crowded and I could take my time exploring the wonderful resources there.
- Buy early at the exhibit hall. If you see something you like, and want, at the exhibit hall, buy it. I waited to buy a book until the last day and when I went back, it was sold out.
- It's not scary to be a newbie. I thought I would feel overwhelmed and out of my element when I went to Springfield, but the opposite was true. I had a wonderful, first time experience.
- Arrive early to well-known speaker's sessions. Classes filled up early and they didn't allow standing room only, in Springfield. Thomas W. Jones and Elizabeth Shown Mills are popular speakers. I am sure there are others but these names come to mind.
- Leave the conference center and explore. Use one of your lunch times to explore the area around the conference center. See what the locals have to offer. Fort Wayne has the Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center, a must see in Fort Wayne.
- Attend a social event. If your budget allows it, sign up for a social event or two. You will be seated with others who share your passion for genealogy and great conversations flow.
- Pack address labels and business cards. Address labels are great to keep you from having to write your contact information on prize drawings, which there are plenty, in the exhibit hall. Even if you don't have a business, business cards are a wonderful way to give your contact information to others. You never know when someone might have that one piece of information that could help you. Be sure to include your email address.
- Have fun! Take time to enjoy the experience. Talk to people, attend sessions, take pictures, and be social and you will remember your first time forever.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions. I look forward to seeing you in Fort Wayne.
Adaline L. (Dyer) Glover Fought a Good Fight
Previously, I shared Muskegon, Michigan newspaper articles about my second great-grandmother's, Adaline L. (Dyer) Glover, membership in the Women's Christian Temperance Union (W.C.T.U.) Adaline and her husband, Samuel S. Glover, Jr, were on a committee that called for the arrest of saloon keepers who sold liquor on 4 July 1881. The W.C.T.U believed that selling liquor on the 4th of July was illegal. The saloon keepers were arrested, but were they convicted?
The article below describes the court proceedings:
The article below describes the court proceedings:
"Not Guilty!," Muskegon (Michigan) Chronicle, 14 July 1881,
p; column 3; online images, Genealogy Bank
( : accessed 7 May 2012),
Historical Newspapers.
Is the Verdict in Bodendor-
fer’s Case
July 4th Decided not to be a
Legal Holiday in Muskegon.
The first Benefit the Sa-
Loonists Receive from
that $700 Fund.
Wednesday afternoon the first suit
against the saloon men for keeping
their places open on July 4th was
tried before Justice Jamison.
case was that of Wm. Bodendorfer.
The jury after hearing all the evi-
dence returned verdict of not guilty.
A Grand Rapids lawyer convinced the
jury that July 4 was not a legal holi-
day and therefore Bodendofer had
not violated the liquor laws!
of Blackstone the ways are devious
and the blinded public places reliance
in thee! One peculiarity,
was that only few temperance people
were present at the trial while the
room was crowded with dispensers of
the ardent, who drank in every word
of testimony or argument rapidly.
It is rather surprising,
however, to
remember that some have celebrated
the fourth so many times, and resid-
ed in Muskegon for a long period,
and then be informed by a Grand
Rapids lawyer that July is not a legal
holiday—well it knocks all the pa-
triotism out of us! It is
that Muskegon should be the first lo-
cality in Michigan to determine that
question, entirely ignoring our law
makers and the supreme court-but
be that as it may, the verdict has
been rendered, and Mr. Bordendorfer
has been proved an innocent man,
and is therefore cleared of all respon-
sibility. Great courage is
now ex-
habited in the ranks of the sal-
oonist, who imagine that the re-
mainder of their chums will also es-
cape the majesty of the law.
await developments.
In relation to Mr.
Bordendorfer for
keeping his saloon open on July 4th,
there was positive proof from sever-
al witnesses that the place was open
all day and a crowd in there most of
the time, and two witnesses testified
positively to the sale of liquors and
it was proved that the proprietor was
in the saloon when the liquors
were being sold, and there was no evidence
the part of the defense to dispute it.
As to the assertion that there
was no
proof that the 4th of July was a le-
gal holiday any person should know
that it does not require proof of what
the law of the state is. The
making the 4th of July a legal holi-
day and the decision of our Supreme
Court construing the statue was
read to the jury.
We have no ill-feeling toward
saloon keeper some of whom are es-
timable gentlemen, but we do think
in conjunction with a large number
of citizens, that the law has been vio-
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