24 September 2012

W.C.T.U is After the Saloon Keepers

Previously, I wrote about Addie (Dyer) Glover's membership in the Temperance Movement in Muskegon, Michigan.  She and her husband, Samuel S. Glover, Jr., were in the paper again.  This time for being on a committee that called for the arrest of saloon keepers who sold liquor on July 4, 1881, which they believed was against the law.  I think I have found where I get my sense of righteousness from. 

The newspaper article and transcription is below.  What happened to the saloon keepers?  A warrant was issued for their arrest...more to follow.

Source:  8 July 1881 p4; column 3 Muskegon Chronicle, Muskegon Michigan


The Law will be Meted out to them by our Authorities

A Number of Ladies and Gentlemen enter the Necessary Complaints.

     Wednesday evening at a meeting of The Muskegon Reform Club, the matter of prosecuting all the saloon keepers in this city who kept open house on July 4th, was considerably argued pro and con, and finally the following committee was selected to meet at the office of Nelson DeLong, prosecuting attorney of Muskegon county; Albert Towl, Patrick J. Connell and S.S. Glover, on Thursday evening and make arrangements for the arrest of all parties who violated the liquor laws on July 4.  A committee of the W.C.T.U. composed of Mrs. I.T. Smith, Mrs. S.S. Glover and Mrs. Firman also meet at DeLong’s office for the same purpose.
     Immediately after the 4th, a couple saloon keepers went to certain authorities and offered to pay their fines saying that they had “raked in enough” to pay good fines and to retain a handsome surplus for their day’s labor, which was hautily scorned at.  It certainly would have been an excellent scheme would each one of the said individuals been permitted to “whack up” about $100 for violating our state laws, and thus escape serving out a sentence in Muskegon’s county calaboose wouldn’t it?  But the laws must not be jested with any longer, for that has been performed too often already, their dues being paid and then under some trivial excuse escaping from serving out a jail sentence.  Some of the saloonists acted as perfect gentlemen should and forbade persons entering their places on that day, refusing utterly to violate the law.  Simply for the satisfaction of making a few extra dollars, thus “biting their nose off in order to spite their faces.”

     This morning  10 complaints were entered and warrants issued for the arrest of the saloonists.
     Are the good citizens of Muskegon, the Christian people of Muskegon doing all we ought, in this greatest work of the present time, fighting the battle with alcohol or its markers and venders or are we quietly, but surely letting our armor rust unused?  Where are our montly armor meeting of years ago when on Sunday evenings, pastors, and people of all or many of the churches would congregate in one, which would overflow, not only with worshippers, but with good fellowship and unity of feeling, that combined strength would effect great good in this mighty work.  Upon whom does this work devolve?  Will someone answer? Will our blessed Redeemer who died for his enemies tell us?  Will every man, woman and child of responsible age ponder this question and ascertain in his, or her own mind just who is expected to do it and please answer.  There is an awful responsibility resting somewhere amid the present dwellers, upon earth.

20 September 2012

Where in the World is Frank H. Glover?

This month's Where in the World post is about my paternal great grandfather, Frank H. Glover.  He lived from 1863-1925 in Michigan.

7 Aug 1863
Adrian, Lenawee, Michigan, United States

Manistee Ward 2, Manistee, Michigan, United States
Page 200/25
Muskegon, Muskegon, Michigan, United States
Crystal Lake Township, Benzie, Michigan, United States
Marquette Ward 4, Marquette, Michigan, United States
Marquette, Marquette, Michigan, United States
7 Oct 1925
Marquette, Marquette, Michigan, United States

18 September 2012

Grandpa on Line 29-WooHoo!

As many of you know the 1940 Census was released in April.  The states are fully indexed and available at ancestry.com.  I am a little behind in posting about my ancestors in the 1940 census.

The second person I looked for in this census was my grandfather, Otto A. Fredricks, and his family.  Otto A. Fredricks was found on line 29.  Line 29?  What's the big deal?  Why would anyone be excited about that line rather than any other?  If your name was recorded on Line 14 or Line 29 you were asked extra questions.  These questions are recorded at the bottom of the census page.

These were the extra questions asked:

Birthplace of parents: Where was your father born? Where was your mother born?

Native language: What language do you speak at home in earliest childhood?

Veteran status: Are you a veteran? What war(s) did you fight in? If the respondent was a child, they were asked if their veteran-father was dead.

Social Security: Do you have a Social Security card? Have Social Security deductions been taken out of your wages?

Occupation and industry: What is your usual occupation and industry? This was used to track employment data and to see if the respondent was working outside of their normal area of work due to economic issues.

Married women: How many marriages? What was your age at your first marriage? How many children were born alive?

You can see why a genealogist would be excited to know more about their ancestor.  I was.  Additionally, the 1940 Census marked who the respondent to the questions was.  Otto A. Fredrick was the one answering the questions for the family.  Hopefully, he knew what he was talking about!

1940 Census page for Otto A. Fredrick, click to see larger view.

Cropped version of 1940 Census page.

I didn't really learn anything new from these questions but it was cool to see them anyway.  Some of you may wonder why my mom, Audrey, is not with the family.  She went to live with her sister, Kathryn Tritten, around this time.  She can be found recorded with the Tritten family.

An interesting aside, Line 14 happens to be related, too.  A double WooHoo!  Otto Fredrick's wife, Daisy, had a sister, Mary Ann.  Mary Ann married William A. Tritten, the subject of Line 14.  

14 September 2012

Framed Recipes-Family Recipe Friday

One shelf of my bookcase, still a work in progress, with Grandma Fredrick's cookie recipe framed.  The antique creamer belonged to Grandma, too.

Recently, my husband and I painted the living areas of our house.  The hallway was part of that job.  I have a bookcase full of cookbooks (over 100) at the end of the hallway.  I decided to style my bookcase when I put the books back on it.

I found an idea on Pinterest that showed framing family recipes and hanging them in your kitchen.  I thought that was a great idea.  I just needed a recipe or two in my ancestor's handwriting.  I started a Fredricks Genealogy page on facebook a couple of years ago, so I put the request on there.  My cousins Connie, Rosie, Bertha and Renee came to my rescue.  It was only a day or so before I had four family recipes.

I chose Grandma Fredrick's Date Nut Refrigator (sic) Cookies to frame.  I recognized her handwriting and wanted that extra touch to the project.  My love of date cookies may have helped in the decision a little.  I printed the recipe on parchment paper.  The recipe has no directions with it.  I am surprised there are measurements.  Here is the result:

Date nut Refrigator cookies
1 lb shortening
1 cup B. sugar
1 "  w. sugar
3 eggs
6 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1  "  soda
1 tsp vanilla
dates large box
1 cup nut meats
bake at 425 for 5 min

Grandma Fredricks is Daisy Graf Fredricks, my maternal grandmother, who I remember fondly and always had a plate of cookies on hand when we visited.

12 September 2012

Tyson Birth Announcement-Hattie's Bible



The above telegram was found in Hattie's Bible.  It was dated 14 September 1952.  Hattie died in 1951, so someone else was keeping things in her Bible, probably her daughter Adeline.

The following are mentioned in the telegram:

Mr. and Mrs L G McKee is Leonard and Adeline (Glover) (Tyson) McKie, (correct spelling) grandparents to Mark Victor Tyson.

Mark Victor is Mark Victor Tyson, the son of James Victor Tyson.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tyson is James Victor Tyson and wife, whom I haven't researched yet.

Jim Tyson-James Victor Tyson.

06 September 2012

Knollwood Apartments-Those Places Thursday

Those of you who went away to go to college probably remember the good times you had being on your own without parental supervision.  I spent my junior and senior year of college at Western Michigan University living in Knollwood Apartments.  Now, called Campus Court at Knollwood.  I had lived in the dorms at Western. I loved having an apartment.  It was a big step in independent living.

Knollwood Apartment Building M, 2011

My junior year I lived in a one bedroom apartment, in building M, that was shared by myself and a good friend, DeeAnn.  Our apartment was on the third floor, back left.  We would plan our menu's and grocery shop together.  We took turns cooking.  Favorites were taco's, salmon patties and spaghetti.  Our apartment was broken into once while living there.  I came back from the weekend and found the door broken in.  Eventually, we discovered that the young men across the hall from us had done it.  They didn't think we were home and were talking about it in the hall.  My roommate kept a journal and recorded it all, which helped in their eviction.

Knollwood Apartment Townhouse, 2011

The first semester of my senior year I lived in a two bedroom townhouse with three other girls, Jodi, Ginny, and Karen.  I shared a room with Karen. I don't remember a whole lot about this semester.  I remember doing a ton of studying and projects for the 18 credits I was carrying.  I was getting ready to student teach and had to get my classes completed.  I left in December to go home for the holidays and move to Bay City, Michigan where I completed my student teaching at Bangor Junior High School.

I have been an independent person most of my life so living in an apartment and moving to student teach didn't phase me.  I enjoyed being away from home and experiencing new opportunities that would help me to eventually start a new life without schooling.

04 September 2012

Carl and Kathryn (Fredrick) Tritten-Tombstone Tuesday

CARL H              KATHRYN L
1909-1970                1918-2012

Carl H. Tritten was born 3 February 1909 and died 6 August 1970 in Brethren, Manistee, Michigan.  He married Kathryn Louise Fredrick 8 May 1938 in Brethren.  They had two children, Kathryn Marie and John Tritten. 

Kathryn 'Kate' Louise Fredrick was the oldest daughter of Otto August and Daisy (Graf) Fredrick.  She was born 6 September 1918 in Brethren, Michigan and died 2 January 2012 in Manistee, Michigan.

They are buried in Brethren Cemetery, Brethren, Michigan.  They were my aunt and uncle and my godparents.  Rest in Peace Uncle Carl and Aunt Kate.