Even though the FGS Conference is in August, it is time to be thinking about what lectures I would like to attend. The schedule is up at their website and attendees are asked to make their selection to aid the organizers in planning.
I enjoy this process of conference planning. I look over the lectures and read speaker's biographies, marking ones that look interesting or would further my genealogical education and research. Sometimes, I have more than one choice at the same time that looks good. One session this year I have four that I would be happy to go to! When that happens I look at the presenter and then at the lecture that I know the least about. Usually, I put it aside and wait a few days to decide. I look at it again and commit to a selection for the organizers. Your selection is not set in stone and I have changed my mind between the time of the selection and the actual conference. I try to pick from a variety of tracks. I try to pick at least one lecture on a subject that is new to me. I even schedule one session time to spend at the exhibit hall. The exhibit hall is less crowded during the session time and I find it an enjoyable experience to explore what they have to offer.
Now that my selections are made, I open google calendar and lay out my schedule. I include special events and luncheons I am attending as well as the selected lectures. I usually print a copy to keep in my hotel room, but I have access to my calendar on my phone for everyday use.
Being organized and knowing where I am going, and when, helps me enjoy the conference experience even more. Now, that my selections are made I can start working on my research plans. After all, it is less than two months away. The time is going fast. Don't miss this great opportunity to immerse yourself in all things genealogy.
I am a Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) Ambassador. My role as an ambassador is to help promote the FGS 2013 conference through blogging and other social media platforms. The publicity committee provided a few writing prompts which my response is posted above.
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