31 December 2010

11 for 11

Happy New Year, Everyone
My 2011 genealogy goals are:
  1. Scan pictures!  (My darling hubby bought me a flip pal for Christmas)
  2. Work on my brickwall, Daniel Fenn.
  3. Make a concentrated effort to source every fact as I add it to my software program.
  4. Visit Miami County, Indiana to research Casper and Mary Graf further.
  5. Obtain my grandfather's, Otto August Fredrick, obituary.
  6. Attend a genealogical conference.
  7. Start researching my son-in-law's ancestry.
  8. Talk to my mother and find out about family heirlooms in her possession.
  9. Carve out a regular research time. 
  10. Make contact with newly discovered cousins and share information.
  11. Research myself!  Add my personal facts to my genealogical software.
I hope this list will help focus my research and keep me organized.  What would you like to accomplish in 2011?


  1. Happy New Year Brenda! I hope you achieve all of your goals.

  2. Happy New Year, that is a very good list, especially # 8 and # 11.

  3. Happy New Year to you, Apple and Carol. I hope we all have genealogical success in 2011.

  4. Hi Brenda, Good list, and you might get them all done, but I am hoping you move your #8 to the top...you never know when. Happy New Year to you.

  5. Barbara, I think #8 will be the first one I accomplish. If the weather gods are good I may get it done this week.
