13 December 2010

An Exciting Honor: 2011 Best Genealogy Blogs Nominees

It has been an unsually hectic day combined with disappointing news on my son's job front, so I decided to take some 'me' time and catch up on my blog reading.  I am two days behind and fear it will only get worse as the week progresses.  Imagine my surprise when I see on Geneabloggers that my blog has been nominated for the Family Tree Magazine 2011 Best Genealogy Blog in the new blog category.  I had to look at it twice to make sure I was actually seeing my blog listed!

I am extremely appreciative for the nomination.  Thank you to all my readers and supporters for the positive feedback that keeps me blogging.  Thanks also to those that nominated my blog for this honor.  I am still in shock, I think. 

Congratulations to all the nominees!  I am honored to be included in their category.  I recognized a lot of blogs, many are ones I read regularly.

Thanks to Tom at Geneabloggers for posting the nominees.  Check the list out and don't forget to vote for your favorite.  You have until 11:59 p.m., December 20th to vote.