Frank H. Glover Born August 1862-Died 7 October 1925 (1863 is an error)
Hattie Fenn Glover Born June 1863-Died 14 December 1951
Harry Glover Born 6 May 1883-Died 6 September 1950
David Watt Born 25 September 1858-Died 21 March 1945
Catherine McGee Watt Born 2 September 1862-Died 22 January 1932
Anyone who is into genealogy has probably spent hours searching cemeteries for an ancestor's gravestone. I thought I was being so organized by researching the cemetery and contacting the sexton before I left home. I had information on the grave sites of David and Katherine Watt and Frank and Hattie Glover, my great grandparents. Plus, I wanted to find my grandfather's grave, Harry Glover. The sexton was very helpful and had the information ready when I got there. He mapped out where to find them; the first four in the same area. He said that Harry Glover was not buried in Park Cemetery, Marquette, Michigan. My father, who was with me, was sure his father was buried there. Off we went to find the four we knew were there. We found David and Katherine Watt first. There were other Watt's buried nearby, many who my father had known. I took pictures and went on my way to find Frank and Hattie. My husband, Kirk, was walking along a row and said here is a Glover. I was intent on reaching my next destination, but I walked back and said "Harry Glover-that's my grandfather!" So, Harry Glover was buried in Park Cemetery. More pictures were taken and we moved on to Frank and Hattie's grave, which was very close to their son Harry's grave. I guess the message from this visit is don't be too intent on only going to the graves you seek; take time to check the surrounding area. Who knows who you might discover?
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