Manistee News Advocate, (Manistee, Michigan), 28 December 1938, p2; column 3,
microfilm owned by Library of Michigan, Lansing, Michigan.
Married 50 years ago Tuesday, Dec. 27, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Zobel celebrated their Golden Wedding yesterday with a family dinner at Smith's dining hall preceding a church service and 'open house' reception at Trinity Lutheran schoolhouse.
Attending the dinner in addition to their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Jacks, their son and daughter-in-law Mr and Mrs. Charles G. Zobel and children, Natalie and Edward, and Mrs. Zobel's sister, Mrs. Ollie Wenzel, all of Detroit, were another son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Wares and children, Elaine and Donald, a son, Edgar Zobel of Traverse City, All Dorrance of Fowlerville, Mich., and the Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Todt of Manistee.
Beautiful arrangements of white and gold flowers-the gifts of their many friends adorned the school hall where nearly 100 friends assembled following the church service to extend felicitations to the honored couple.
The program opening with selections by the church choir continued with a talk by Reverend Todt, songs by the Zobels' granddaughter, Natalie Zobel, with piano accompaniment by her aunt, Mrs. Harmon Jacks; a piano solo by another granddaughter, Elaine Warnes; a humorous monologue by Mrs. Jacks; the reading of greetings, letters and telegrams by Mrs. John Messner and Reverend Todt. In conclusion, Mrs. Emma Ohst congratulated the guests of honor and presented them an anniversary purse in behalf of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Lutheran Band and Concordia No. 9.
A 65 pound wedding cake, 36 inches high shaped like a gold bell and surrounded by a white dove with two wedding rings in its bill was cut at the reception.
Mrs. Zobel before her wedding 50 years ago in the old German Lutheran Church by the Rev. H. Lemke was Emma May Tracy, daughter of George Tracy of this city. Mr. Zobel was a clerk for F.C. Larsen and later owned and operated a haberdashery. He now is engaged in the insurance business. He has served his home city as city treasurer, as alderman under the former aldermanic form of government and as member and secretary of the Board of Education."
Charles Zobel is the son of John Zobel and Henriette Fredrich. They were married 73 years ago today. Charles Zobel died in 1947.
Brenda, I know how much you enjoy cooking, but can you imagine baking a 65 lb. wedding cake!? (Bet there was plenty left over.) Enjoyed your post.