08 April 2013

Adaline L. (Dyer) Glover Fought a Good Fight

Previously, I shared Muskegon, Michigan newspaper articles about my second great-grandmother's, Adaline L. (Dyer) Glover, membership in the Women's Christian Temperance Union (W.C.T.U.)  Adaline and her husband, Samuel S. Glover, Jr, were on a committee that called for the arrest of saloon keepers who sold liquor on 4 July 1881.  The W.C.T.U believed that selling liquor on the 4th of July was illegal.  The saloon keepers were arrested, but were they convicted?

The article below describes the court proceedings:

"Not Guilty!," Muskegon (Michigan) Chronicle, 14 July 1881, p; column 3; online images, Genealogy Bank (http://www.genealogybank.com/gbnk/newspapers/ : accessed 7 May 2012), Historical Newspapers.


Is the Verdict in Bodendor-
fer’s Case

July 4th Decided not to be a
Legal Holiday in Muskegon.

The first Benefit the Sa-
Loonists Receive from
that $700 Fund.

Wednesday afternoon the first suit
against the saloon men for keeping
their places open on July 4th was
tried before Justice Jamison.  The
case was that of Wm. Bodendorfer.
The jury after hearing all the evi-
dence returned verdict of not guilty.
A Grand Rapids lawyer convinced the
jury that July 4 was not a legal holi-
day and therefore Bodendofer had
not violated the liquor laws!  Spirit
of Blackstone the ways are devious
and the blinded public places reliance
in thee!  One peculiarity, however,
was that only few temperance people
were present at the trial while the
room was crowded with dispensers of
the ardent, who drank in every word
of testimony or argument rapidly.
   It is rather surprising, however, to
remember that some have celebrated
the fourth so many times, and resid-
ed in Muskegon for a long period,
and then be informed by a Grand
Rapids lawyer that July is not a legal
holiday—well it knocks all the pa-
triotism out of us!  It is remarkable
that Muskegon should be the first lo-
cality in Michigan to determine that
question, entirely ignoring our law
makers and the supreme court-but
be that as it may, the verdict has
been rendered, and Mr. Bordendorfer
has been proved an innocent man,
and is therefore cleared of all respon-
sibility.  Great courage is now ex-
habited in the ranks of the sal-
oonist, who imagine that the re-
mainder of their chums will also es-
cape the majesty of the law.  We
await developments.
   In relation to Mr. Bordendorfer for
keeping his saloon open on July 4th,
there was positive proof from sever-
al witnesses that the place was open
all day and a crowd in there most of
the time, and two witnesses testified
positively to the sale of liquors and
it was proved that the proprietor was
in the saloon when the liquors
were being sold, and there was no evidence
on the part of the defense to dispute it.
As to the assertion that there was no
proof that the 4th of July was a le-
gal holiday any person should know
that it does not require proof of what
the law of the state is.  The statute
making the 4th of July a legal holi-
day and the decision of our Supreme
Court construing the statue was
read to the jury.
   We have no ill-feeling toward the
saloon keeper some of whom are es-
timable gentlemen, but we do think
in conjunction with a large number
of citizens, that the law has been vio-

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