14 December 2014

Sunday's Obituary: Henriette Fredrich Zobel, Manistee, Michigan

Henriette Fredrich Zobel is becoming one of my favorite Fredrich ancestors to research.  It is through my research of Henriette, my great grand aunt, that I have been able to find any information about the Fredrich's in Germany.  Henriette's marriage information provided me with the name of her parents, Christoph Fredrich and Susanna Koenig, my second great-grandparents.  Henriette's brother, Johann August Fredrich, is my great grandfather.  I haven't learned anything about his parents in my research of him.

Henriette Fredrich Zobel's obituary is transcribed below.  I loved the information provided in this obituary.  It even provided the date of when she arrived in Manistee, Michigan where she lived the remaining years of her life.  Henriette Fredrich married John Zobel in 1862, near Nakel, Posen, Prussia. He is the Mr. Zobel listed in the obituary.

It isn't often one sees the word 'nonagenarian'.  Do you know the meaning of the word?  It means someone who is between the age of 90-99.  Henriette Fredrich Zobel was 94years old, just weeks shy of 95, at the time of her death in 1929.

Genealogists often use blog posts as 'cousin' bait.  I am guilty of that too.  This is one of those posts. I would love to connect with a Zobel descendant.  Henriette was the second oldest of Christoph and Susanna (Koenig) Fredrich.  The oldest child was Wilhelmine Fredrich.  Wilhelmine never left Prussia.  I have been in contact with a descendant of Wilhelmine, which has been wonderful.  If you are connected to the Zobel family, please email me.  I am very generous with my research and would enjoy hearing from you.   


Mrs. H. Zobel, 95, Dies Last Night; Was Pioneer of City

Mrs. Henrietta Zobel, nearly 95 years old, and a pioneer resident passed away last at her home, 182 Lincoln Street . The ... (unreadable in crease) caused her death.

Mrs. Zobel was born in Germany on October 29, 1834, coming to Manistee April 16, 1872.  She has resided here continuously since that date.  She was married to Mr. Zobel in 1861.  Mr. Zobel was a well-known merchant here, having a large store on River street.  He preceded his wife in death eight years ago this month.

Mrs. Zobel is survived by three children, Charles A., Henry, and Miss Ottilie Zobel, all of this city.  She leaves 12 grandchildren, and 18 great grandchildren.  Two sisters survive her, Mrs. August Guhse and Mrs. Amelia Angelhuber of Detroit.  

Mrs. Zobel throughout her life was a devoted member of the Trinity Lutheran church, and gave much of her time to church work.

Services will be held Sunday afternoon at the home at 2 o'clock, from the Trinity Lutheran church at 2:30.  Rev. J.H. Todt will officiate and burial will be in Trinity cemetery.

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