My father, Bruce Glover, was the first result to come in. I was disappointed, at first, by Ancestry DNA and thought, " This is what I spent my money on?" Obviously, I am a novice DNA user. I decided I needed to get some more information on how to interpret the DNA results. I re-watched a Legacy webinar, Watch Geoff, Live-DNA, and I watched two You Tube videos, "You Received Your DNA Results, Now What? and Understanding DNA Ethnicity Results.
I have to admit I was more excited about seeing the ethnicity results than I was in finding new 'cousins'. I am starting to dig deeper into the results and getting ready to upload them to gedmatch. Because all four results came within ten days of each other, I haven't had a lot of time to go into detail with each one.
Here is what my dad's ethnicity looked like:
I wasn't surprised by these results as I knew I had a lot of English and Scottish ancestry. I knew who my Irish ancestors were and I understood where the Scandinavian came from due to a little World History knowledge. Those areas made up 96% of my dad's ethnicity. It was the trace regions I was curious about.
It wasn't until I watched the You Tube videos that I understood what these results meant. This is what I learned about my Dad's DNA from his ethnicity results:
- It is an estimate based on the best science can do now.
- It takes into account 1000-2000 years of DNA
- It goes beyond what genealogists can find as recorded family history.
- My dad is 100% European, within this time period.
- I have to think of the results as broad regions, not countries.
- I have to think of it as having two trees: one my genealogy tree and the other my DNA tree. Once I got that into my head it was a lot easier when looking at the remaining three parents DNA results.
Next, I looked at the Ancestry DNA matches. My dad had three second cousin matches, one I have been communicating with for years and the other two do not have a family tree online. I am still going through the information, but I have starred seven to look at later.
A few of the surnames that I have found a connection to my dad's DNA include Poor, Watt, Barber, Glover and Salisbury. I think I am on the right track with my research here. I still have a lot of work to do to understand all the results and how it will help me in my research, but I am so glad I have my parent's DNA and can continue to learn more about my family history through it.
I am doing some research on my son's Ancestry page while he figures out how to navigate through his page. I am glad you mention you tube. I will tell him. William you are listed as a 1st or 2nd cousin on my son, Greg Jordan's page. He was adopted by my husband and I can't find any connection to you on my side. My name is Jackie Katherine Webster (Conklin is my married name) I hope to hear from you.