07 September 2010

Back to School

Mrs. Trigger's Afternoon Kindergarten Class
(I am in the third row-second from the right)

It's back to school time. My husband, Kirk, has his first day with students today. I thought I would celebrate by blogging about Kindergarten. I attended Kindergarten at Deckerville Community Schools, Deckerville, Michigan. I was in Mrs. Trigger's afternoon class. I remember her hair was blue! It was probably gray, but I remember thinking it was blue.

I would walk three short blocks to school. My mom would help me cross the main street and then I was off. I hated nap time! We would have to get our rugs out and lay down and nap. I could never fall asleep. I liked working in our workbooks. I remember doing art projects. One we did was taking our cardboard-like milk tops and making flowers with it. I wasn't very good in music, I remember getting my blocks taken away from me. No rhythm I guess! I do remember getting in trouble once. We had a slide in the classroom and the girl in front of me wouldn't go down the slide and I wanted to. So, to encourage her to go down I bit her! Mrs. Trigger pulled me aside and explained that we don't bite!  Sorry, Mary!  Ahhh, the memories.

At the end of the year we had a graduation ceremony.  I see in the program I had a part, but I can't remember what I said.  Do they still have Kindergarten graduation?  Here are some pictures and keepsakes from mine.

Walking to the Ceremony
I am in the middle.

Receiving the Certificate

Kindergarten Certificate Cover

Kindergarten Certificate

Kindergarten Graduation Program Cover

Kindergarten Graduation Program
(Not sure why I crossed some names out-how rude!)

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