18 June 2011

"It's a Beautiful Day in The Neighborhood" 52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy and History

Week 25:  Neighbors-Who were your childhood neighbors?  Have you kept in touch with any of them?  Do you feel the concept of 'neighbors' has changed since then?

I grew up in two, small towns: one with a population of about 900 (Deckerville, Michigan) and the other with 2500 people (Harbor Beach, Michigan).  Everyone knew everyone, which could be good or bad.  Mostly though, it was good.  In Deckerville, there were kids to play with across the street and down the block.  We would go back and forth to each other's houses and play, usually outdoors.  Sometimes we were allowed in the house to play.  We played house, tag, jump rope, and baseball.  I haven't kept in touch with any of my neighbors from there.  I am still in touch with a couple of school friends who lived in the 'country' though.
I was ten when we moved to Harbor Beach, Michigan and the first weekend we moved in I met the girl across the street, Sharlene.  We became friends and reconnected on Facebook, recently.  Another friend, Ann, lived across the creek from me.  We would hang out at each other's houses.  In high school, we use to double date.  We have remained friends.  I only have good memories of neighbors in both the small towns I lived in.
We have lived in our current house about 20 years and I have noticed a change in those twenty years.  At first, everyone was friendly and talked across the fence.  I took my neighbor to the store if I was going and she shared fresh tomatoes with me.  Lately, our neighborhood has had an influx of new, younger people.  I find that the newer neighbors stay to themselves more.  I think society has changed and people aren't as trusting as they use to be.  I find I stay more to myself, too.  We still chat with those who were here when we moved in and I always say 'hi' or wave to my neighbors.  Of course, living in a city with a population of 55,000 is a little different from the 900 people from years ago.


  1. Childhood memories seem so clear!

  2. Judy, yes, some days are better than others. These prompts have really made me think of past times. Brenda

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