15 May 2022

Archives of Michigan Holds Genealogy Seminar

Every July the Archives of Michigan hosts a great genealogical educational experience. The dates this year are Friday, and Saturday, July 8th and 9th.

The Barbara J. Brown Family History Seminar, co-sponsored with the Archives of Michigan and the Michigan Genealogical Council, will be a hybrid experience this year meaning it will be held virtually and in-person. Dr. David McDonald will be the featured speaker this year. Dr. McDonald's presentations include:

  • Polly's Family: From New England to the Plains & Beyond
  • Lutherpalians & Presbygationalists: Where Did Grandma's Census Church Go? 
  • Research in the Old Northwest Territory
Dr. McDonald is a certified genealogist (CG) with more than 45 years of research experience. He has taught at both institutes, SLIG and GRIP, as well as numerous national conferences. Dr. McDonald's complete bio can be found here.

Other speakers and their topics include
  • Annakathryn Welch, Archive of Michigan-Anatomy of Coroners Records 
  • Daniel Earl, Professional researcher-Ancestors in Context: Putting History in Your Family History
  • Kris Rzepczynski, Archives of Michigan-Discoveries in the 1950 Census 
  • Judy Nimer Muhn, Professional researcher-No Dead Ends: Finding Your Way Through Family Roadblocks
  • Jessica Trotter, Researcher and Blogger-Occupational Records: Finding Work Related Paper Trails
  • Chelsea Heisler, Librarian at Marshall (MI) District Library-Bringing History to Life: Engaging with Your Community through Local History and Family Stories
  • Matt Pacer, Library of Michigan-Library of Congress Digital Collections for Michigan Researchers
And if that is not enough attendees will be treated to an Archives of Michigan tour with Mark Harvey, State Archivist.

I bet you are asking how much this is going to cost. The cost for the two-day seminar with all the programs listed above is just $45, for either in-person or virtual! I will be going, will you?

For more information, including registration, go to either the Michigan Genealogical Council's or the Barbara J. Brown Family History Seminar page at the Michigan.gov website. Registration deadline is July 6.

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